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2mas Sjef
Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Posts: 60334 Location: Trondhjem
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2mas Sjef
Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Posts: 60334 Location: Trondhjem
Posted: 22.07.2020 19:32 Post subject: |
- Helvete alltså. Ursäkta språket, men det är liksom ... det GÅR inte. Det spelar ingen roll vad vi spelar för jävla spelsätt om det är så att vi inte ens fixar sånt. Vi kan spela som Barcelona, som Rosenborg eller som vilket jävla lag som helst, men fixar vi inte sånt där … och mot såna här lag också…
Läs mera: Norlings utbrott i tv efter matchen |
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2mas Sjef
Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Posts: 60334 Location: Trondhjem
Posted: 06.09.2020 19:05 Post subject: |
Si Primož Roglič a commencé par une carrière de sauteur à ski prometteuse, l'actuel deuxième du Tour de France n'est en réalité pas un cas isolé. Notamment en Norvège, où de nombreux sportifs ont excellé dans au moins deux disciplines à la fois. C'est le cas de Bjørn Wirkola, double champion du monde de saut à ski en 1966, puis champion de Norvège avec Rosenborg cinq ans plus tard.
Bjørn Wirkola, comme un goût de Roglič
Google wrote: | If Primož Roglič started with a promising ski jumper career, the current Tour de France runner-up is actually not an isolated case. Especially in Norway, where many athletes have excelled in at least two disciplines at the same time. This is the case of Bjørn Wirkola, double ski jumping world champion in 1966, then Norwegian champion with Rosenborg five years later. |
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2mas Sjef
Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Posts: 60334 Location: Trondhjem
Posted: 27.09.2020 11:59 Post subject: |
Gazetta dello Sport med større sak om miraklet i Milano før Bodø/Glimt var på besøk på torsdag:
Il Milan esce così clamorosamente dalla competizione, regalando peraltro ai rivali juventini un’avversaria abbordabile ai quarti di finale. Sacchi a fine gara sembra il più incredulo di tutti e la delusione lo fa incappare in una frase che in effetti è più facile sentire pronunciata da un norvegese durante un corso di italiano: “Pensiamo al campionato, perché non abbiamo rimasto altro”. In Serie A la squadra finirà all’undicesimo posto, il peggiore risultato di tutta l’era Berlusconi.
Il Rosenborg, Brattbakk e il clamoroso flop di San Siro: i brutti ricordi norvegesi
Google wrote: | AC Milan came out of the competition so sensationally, also giving Juventus rivals an affordable opponent in the quarter-finals. Sacchi at the end of the race seems the most incredulous of all and the disappointment makes him run into a sentence that is actually easier to hear pronounced by a Norwegian during an Italian course: “Let's think about the championship, because we have nothing else left”. In Serie A the team will finish in eleventh place, the worst result of the entire Berlusconi era. |
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Jonas Veteran
Joined: 30 Jul 2005 Posts: 6558 Location: Oslo
Posted: 27.09.2020 12:08 Post subject: |
Nostalgiske italienere kan sin historie. Fra 90- og 2000-tallets Champions League-suksess tror jeg det er i Italia at RBK huskes best. At Sacchi kalte dagens Juve for Rosenborg når han skulle forklare den hjemlige dominansen for er par år tilbake, blir stadig tatt fram i den italienske fotballdebatten. _________________ No al calcio moderno |
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Jonas Veteran
Joined: 30 Jul 2005 Posts: 6558 Location: Oslo
Posted: 20.10.2020 23:03 Post subject: |
En jævla godbit og gavepakke til alle RBK-fans. Erik Niva skal ta for seg Rosenborg anno 1996 i denne ukens When We Were Kings-podcast, som ble sluppet i skrivende stund. Det gledes! _________________ No al calcio moderno |
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kablap Senior
Joined: 22 Dec 2010 Posts: 210
Posted: 21.10.2020 07:08 Post subject: |
_________________ Kebab og klyster |
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Flabbergast Veteran
Joined: 19 Jul 2012 Posts: 3394 Location: Trondheim
Posted: 21.10.2020 16:04 Post subject: |
Drøyt tre timer med imponerende nøyaktig historiefortelling der ja, masse om Eggen sjøl fra tiårene før også. Helt knall |
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2mas Sjef
Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Posts: 60334 Location: Trondhjem
Posted: 21.10.2020 19:35 Post subject: |
Om noen ikke vil lete etter link. |
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dembaba Senior
Joined: 13 Jan 2012 Posts: 192 Location: Trondheim
Posted: 22.10.2020 08:42 Post subject: |
Artig Imponerende research, lærte en ting eller to sjøl her! |
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Johnny Rainbow Rutinert
Joined: 11 Aug 2011 Posts: 857 Location: København
Posted: 22.10.2020 17:08 Post subject: |
Spndende! Har håbet på den Rosenborg episode fra dem længe (nok i lighed med en del andre her) |
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konrad4ever Veteran
Joined: 19 Apr 2006 Posts: 2599 Location: Follo
Posted: 24.10.2020 11:24 Post subject: |
Hørt podcasten nå, 3,5 time med bra historiefortelling om eventyret Rosenborg og NAE. Ikke så mye nytt, men satt sammen på en imponerende måte. Anbefales, verdt timene |
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Flabbergast Veteran
Joined: 19 Jul 2012 Posts: 3394 Location: Trondheim
Posted: 24.10.2020 11:58 Post subject: |
Nytt for meg at NAE visstnok var mye ute i Europa for å se fotball og lære på 80-tallet |
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Looney Senior
Joined: 27 Dec 2007 Posts: 218 Location: Oslo
Posted: 24.10.2020 13:17 Post subject: |
Dette var en nydelig episode, anbefaler den til alle de av dere som enda ikke har sjekket den ut _________________ Eh...what's up, doc?", |
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Escudos Veteran
Joined: 12 Dec 2007 Posts: 1326
Posted: 24.10.2020 15:24 Post subject: |
When we were Kings er nydelig podcast.
Utrolig grundige og artige historier. |
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henrifei Veteran
Joined: 25 May 2011 Posts: 2599
Posted: 24.10.2020 17:24 Post subject: |
nydelig podcast. merket ikke at den varte så lenge.
tenk om alle ansatte i Rosenborg gadd å sette seg inn i hva som er historien og gunnlaget for klubben sin suksess på samme måte som disse to Svenskene har gjort. da hadde det ikke lengre hvert mulig å ansette disse defensivt anlagte 4-4-2 trenerne. |
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2mas Sjef
Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Posts: 60334 Location: Trondhjem
Posted: 27.10.2020 19:58 Post subject: |
Rakk ikke å høre ferdig før i dag. Visste ikke at Niva hadde jobbet i Sundsvall og vært til stede på RBK-kamper tidlig i årtusenet. Ergo hadde han god ballast før han leste seg opp før episoden. |
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Jonas Veteran
Joined: 30 Jul 2005 Posts: 6558 Location: Oslo
Posted: 27.10.2020 22:02 Post subject: |
Vet ikke om han leser dem perm til perm, men også veldig imponerende at han prøver å lese seg opp til den ukentlige podcasten gjennom tilgjengelig litteratur. Som Roar Strand sin biografi han fikk via kurér Tor Kise Karlsen. Rett og slett Nordens ubestridt beste fotballjournalist godeste Niva. _________________ No al calcio moderno |
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2mas Sjef
Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Posts: 60334 Location: Trondhjem
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gisp! Legende
Joined: 04 Sep 2008 Posts: 10750
Posted: 12.01.2021 00:11 Post subject: |
Jeg er stort sett dårlig på russisk selv, særlig når det er skjenkestopp, så jeg tilgir at Google også slurver litt. wrote: | I wanted to see everything - the black-and-white uniform, and the Lerkendal stadium, where not so long ago the stands behind the gates were replaced by benches on the hills, and Eivin Sturfluor, and Roar Stranna. |
Det ble hull da vi sluttet med fluor.
Så lærer man jo alltids noe nytt. Brukte Google translate og fikk dette.
Quote: | At some point, I began to freeze and remembered that you can watch the Champions League in the pub. The search for the appropriate place reminded me of the adventures of a boy from Topelius' fairy tale in the Kikalsky forest: I had to endure a bar where I was surrounded by two-meter women who were looking for warmth in a drink-treat, and the first burger in my life for 17 euros, the size of a stone table of a mountain king. |
Visste ikke at det var så dyr burger på stedet som overtok rollen etter Remis.
Oversatt fra flytende russisk.
Quote: | For two days, I trampled all the banks of the Nidelva River, several times walked around the huge Nidaros Cathedral, which stood on the way to Lerkendal and saw the satisfied face of the restaurant owner, where Zenit's VIP fan Mikhail Arabov, his friend Yuri Abramovich and other gentlemen for one evening we drank a year's supply of alcohol. |
_________________ "Det er viktig å gå på banen for å være best mulig sjøl. Men det er langt viktigere å gå på banen for å gjøre medspillerne gode." |
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2mas Sjef
Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Posts: 60334 Location: Trondhjem
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2mas Sjef
Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Posts: 60334 Location: Trondhjem
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2mas Sjef
Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Posts: 60334 Location: Trondhjem
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Jonas Veteran
Joined: 30 Jul 2005 Posts: 6558 Location: Oslo
Posted: 21.12.2022 23:23 Post subject: |
You’ll be familiar with the butterfly effect: the concept that seemingly minor and unimportant events can set off a chain reaction that can inspire something more significant further down the line.
So there we have it. As it turns out, the butterfly was a Norwegian (sic) centre-back knocking the ball out of a keeper’s hands in 2006 — and the tornado was Lionel Messi finally winning the World Cup in 2022.
Athletic: How Neal Maupay, Jose Mourinho and Glenn Murray’s balls helped Messi win the World Cup
Miika Koppinens manøver mot Viking-keeperen i snøværet i 2006 var altså starten på Messis VM-bragd. _________________ No al calcio moderno |
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2mas Sjef
Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Posts: 60334 Location: Trondhjem
Posted: 25.12.2022 16:19 Post subject: |
Das ist die schönste Hertha-Weihnachtsgeschichte. Und sie kommt aus Norwegen! Dort, wo die Polarlichter am Nachthimmel glitzern, haben sich zwei ehemalige blau-weiße Helden, deren Wege sich vorher nie kreuzten, bei Erstligist Rosenborg Trondheim gefunden. Der frühere Publikumsliebling Per Skjelbred (35, von 2013 bis 2020 bei Hertha) spielt unter Herthas Ex-Kapitän und jetzigem Trainer Kjetil Rekdal (54, von 1997 bis 2000 bei Hertha). Das klappt so gut, dass der norwegische Rekordmeister nach schweren Jahren wieder von der Champions League träumen kann.
„Wir sind uns ein paar Mal begegnet, doch zusammengearbeitet hatten wir vorher nie. Nicht mal in der Nationalelf haben wir noch zusammengespielt, da waren zu viele Altersjahre dazwischen“, fängt Rekdal an zu erzählen.
Mehr lesen: Per Skjelbred (35) und Kjetil Rekdal (54): Zwei Hertha-Helden lassen Trondheim von der Champions League träumen
Google-oversetteren wrote: | This is the most beautiful Hertha Christmas story. And she's from Norway! Where the northern lights glitter in the night sky, two former blue and white heroes whose paths have never crossed before have found each other at first division club Rosenborg Trondheim. Former crowd favorite Per Skjelbred (35, at Hertha from 2013 to 2020) plays under Hertha's ex-captain and current coach Kjetil Rekdal (54, at Hertha from 1997 to 2000). It works so well that the Norwegian record champions can dream of the Champions League again after difficult years.
"We've met a few times, but we've never worked together before. We didn't even play together in the national team, there were too many years between them,” Rekdal begins to talk. |
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